Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Well here it is 12:09 AM Mexico time (1:09am Indiana). The team is doing great Debbie is making friends and loving all the children and I can see God working in her life. Adam gave his testimony at the recovery house. Some of the people there did not want to here about God but had to be at the meeting as part of their recovery. Wayne was in his element at the recovery house. I thought that we would never get him to leave. VBS is growing. On the second day at Ocogtal we had over 130 children and Contreras had 50+. We all have had to be very flexible. The whole team has worked very well together and I have been very amazed at how well they have become a family. Sorry about not having posted any pictures but I left my camera in David's van and can not post any tonight. I need to go to sleep but in my final thought please continue to pray that the rain stays away during the VBS.

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